Data Management and Visualization. Lesson 1

This post is for the lesson 1 of Data Management and Visualization, Coursera course.

I have decided to select the Gapminder data set and I would like to associate the residential electrical consumption per person with the suicide per age.

I have created a codebook with five topics, where the related two topics are included.


One question to make to the data is:

Is there a relation between suicide and residential electrical consumption? Is there more consumption when someone suicides?

Some of the related investigations talks about the relation between suicide and the electromagnetic field or suicide of electrocution. But there are no clear data to make an association between suicide and electricity consumption. Some of the articles are here: Suicide in Colombia

Mortality of persons resident in the vicinity of electricity transmission facilities

Relation between suicide and the electromagnetic field of overhead power lines.

Attempted Suicide by Electrocution: Review and Case Report


There is a possible relation between these cases and I think it would be interesting to investigate if you would commit suicide after consumming a lot of electricity.

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